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Definitions relating to Crabbet 

There is much terminology used around Crabbet Arabians which can be a little daunting. Not only are there terms related to Crabbet Arabians themselves but also of other studs around at the time. 


 Crabbet Definitions

The Crabbet Organisation defined horses from the Crabbet Stud legacy.

Crabbet Stud Bloodlines

A Crabbet Stud bloodline is one from a Pure Bred Arabian that was owned or bred by the Crabbet Stud, including those registered as bred by the owners Lady Anne or Wilfrid Blunt, Lady Wentworth or Cecil Covey.


Crabbet Arabians         

Pure Bred Arabians with 75% or over Crabbet Stud bloodlines


Old English Arabians 

A pedigree group of Pure Bred Arabians with 100% Pre-World War II UK bloodlines,  (usually over 85% Crabbet Stud Bloodlines)


GSB Bloodlines

A pedigree group of Pure Bred Arabians with 100% bloodlines imported to the UK by 1920 (registered in the General Stud Book), usually over 95% Crabbet Stud bloodlines.


Straight Crabbet Arabians

A pedigree group of Pure Bred Arabians with 100% Crabbet bloodlines.


Crabbet Anglo Arabs and Crabbet Part Bred Arabs are registered Anglo Arabs or Part Bred Arabs whose Arabian Blooddlines are 75% or more Crabbet Stud bloodlines.

Important Note:

To our knowledge, the first definition of Crabbet blood lines came from the Crabbet Arabian Group of Australia Inc. in 1985. This was subsequently adopted by the Crabbet Organisation in the UK albeit with slightly different wording which potentially altered the definition. The other widely used definition comes from the USA written by Carol Muller and first published in 1992. This was then amended in 2007. Subsequently, Carol Muller reverted back to the original 1992 definition.

Recently, before the demise of the Crabbet Organisation, its definition was amended.


Although broadly similar there are differences in interpretation between these definitions and some clarity may be needed with regard to some historical horses. We currently have an international working group considering these definitions and will publish what we hope will be a definitive definition in the near future.


Crabbet Related Arabians

As part of the above work, we will produce a clear definition of what we regard as a Crabbet Related Arabian, suffice to say that we believe all horses with Crabbet blood are important and we wish to encourage owners to understand Crabbet history and be able to know what percentage Crabbet blood and what specific Crabbet bloodlines are in their horses pedigree and the important characteristics they bring to the horses temperament and performance. With this understanding, history shows us that such owners often aspire to obtain future horses with a higher percentage or even pure Crabbet.

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