Rodania was a chestnut mare of the strain Keheilet Ajuz and was bred by Ibn Rodan of the Roala tribe. She was captured in 1880 by the Gomussa and sold on to Wilfrid and Lady Anne Blunt in 1881. Rodania died in 1889 and in the 8 years at Crabbet bred 5 foals from 1884 to 1887, one each year. These offspring became significant producers of many fine and very important horses whose ancestors are still in evidence to this very day.
Significant family groups descended from the Rodania line:
Indian Flame II
Bright Shadow
Ben Rabba
General Gold

Rodania's filly, Rose of Sharon, born in 1885 was only the second and last daughter of Hadban produced at Crabbet. She was exported to the USA in 1905.
Rodania Or.Ar. (Kehaileh Rodanieh) 1869 - 1889 (20 yrs)
14.2 ch GSB 13
imported to England in1881
Rodania Painting by Peter Upton
From original Lady Anne Blunt notes:
"RODANIA foaled about 1869. a. Kehleh of Ibn Rodan (sometimes called "Rodanyeh" without the prefix Kehileh as Managhy Ibn Sbeyel mares are often called "Sbeyelyehis").
14 hands 2 inches.
A chestnut near hind foot white to above fetlock and blaze to the mouth with pink on upper lip, fired on quarter, belly and chest. deep jowl, eyes showing white like the human eye, extraordinary strength and style and going, up to any weight, but uncertain in temper . A celebrated mare.
Purchased April 12 1881 in the desert near the Wells of Abu Fayal, or her owner Tais ibn Sharban of the Gomussa tribe or Sebaa Anazeh, who had taken her the previous summer from the Roala.
The strain of Kehilan Ajuz of the Rodan is much prized. We had heard of this mare two years before we saw her when on our journey through the Nefud to Nejd we halted at the well of Shakih. We met there some Roala with a son of Beneyeh Ibn Shaalan. and were told that Beneyeh had quarrelled with his cousin Sotamn Ibn Shnalan on account of his chestnut mare which Sotamn insisted on having and had taken away from him by force when fair means of persuasion to sell or give had failed. Beneyeh had then left Sotamn to shift for himself in the war with the Sabaa and this withdrawal had contributed to it had not caused the reverses experienced by Sotamn who in one of the engagements lost this very mare for whose possession he had sacrificed the interests of his tribe. She was taken by Tais Ibn Sharban, a Gomussa. We saw him riding her on the 10th of April while we were talking to Afet el Mizrab and Abtan Ibn ed Derri about the latter’s Managhyeh (half sister to Meshura). We asked what this chesnut mare was. “Oh that is Beneyeh Ibn Shalaan's mare" was the reply. Two days afterwards we bought her deciding as one must in the desert in a few minutes and having had no opportunity of observing her only defect— a serious one - that of temper.
She is the only mare or horse in the stud that can be described as ill tempered and unsafe. She strikes with the two forefeet and kicks too. Her strange temper may possibly be the result of having been knocked about and especially the severe firing she had undergone before we bought her."
1882 April 1 foal slipped by Kars.
1833 May 4 bright bay filly Rose of Jericho by Kars.
She is long and low and very strongly built. Sold in 1891 to Mr Justice Boucant for exportation to Australia.
1884 May 1 Bay colt Roala by Kars. Sold in 1888 to Rev. A Tooth.
1885 May 12 Chesnut filly Rose of Sharon by Hadban.
1886 May 18 Bay filly Rosemary by Jeroboam. Sold in 1888 Bought back again in 1890.
1887 June 12 Bay colt Rehoboam by Jeroboam. Sold to H.G. Stevens M.P. in 1888.
1888 Barren to Ashgar.
1889 March 31 Chesnut filly by Ashgar. Died at a fortnight old. of securing. The mare was so violent that nothing could be done for the foal. Rodania died in the following winter.
We are still working on this section and there will be more to come soon!...