A visit to Fenwick Stud, Victoria, Australia. October 2016
by Natalie Tindall
Arriving at one of Australia’s most influential Crabbet studs throughout the past century was an awe-inspiring moment. The fields are laid out as they were when the first Crabbet Arabians arrived in 1925 and the great silver gums bear testament to many years growth undisturbed in their habitat. Dry stone walls remind us of the origins of the Maclean family –in whose hands the stud is still carefully tended –and were for me an unexpected sight.
The quality of the horses was anything but unexpected, however. The gracious and elegant stallion, Fenwick Silver Spur, was pleased to meet us and displayed a charming and friendly temperament. Very much a representative of the beautiful and refined ‘Silver’ family he has several progeny at the stud and clearly breeds both beautiful grey and chestnut mares. At the time we visited he was running with two wives –also grey - the elegant Fenwick Paschana and Fenwick Regal Lady.

Fenwick Silver Spur
Fenwick Meadow View Maya and her 1 day old foal - by Jamahl!
Next we were treated to a visit to the newest arrival at the stud– a pretty bay filly out of a Fenwick Orion mare by Jamahl who had been born that morning and an impressive 4 week old bay colt foal with a beautiful head also by Jamahl. Jamahl is a very correct stallion with good limbs and a striking head which he appears to pass on to his foals, together with his laid back temperament. He owes much to his double Riffal ancestry who was imported by Fenwick from Hanstead.
The field of mares was a feast of striking chestnuts, beautiful greys and just one bay – Lady Tara, whose tail female line traces to Barada II. My favourites were a very feminine grey, Fenwick Starshine and Fenwick Brilliant Star a glorious chestnut with a very friendly temperament.
The comical additions of rampaging Shetland ponies, the Clydesdale leading the Arab mares at a canter and the Hereford cow and calf who took up residence on the drive complete a happy picture of a world famous stud that operates much as it has always done, with attention to quality and diversity throughout. With 640 acres to canter over, Crabbet horses are in their element here.
We will be publishing a more in depth article on the Fenwick stud and also the full stud tour very soon.

Fenwick Brilliant Star

4 week old Colt Foal by Jamahl

Free to roam with friends!